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In a Nutshell


Hey there! My name is Alyssa Lynn and I live in a small town in Central Pennsylvania with my boyfriend and our three girls.


I started writing a while back, but was never actually serious about it until recently. Known for never finishing anything, I wanted a new brand; ya know.. to finish something. So, here I am, trucking along behind a computer screen to tell the world a story. Let me just say, it ain't easy.


Aside from being a writer, I enjoy reading, running, playing volleyball, playing guitar, listening to music, hiking, fishing, and basically all things outdoors.


I'm an extremely outgoing individual and I love to go on adventures. Since I don't have the funds to pack up and head out the door as often as I would like, I make up adventures in my head and transfer those thoughts onto paper.


So, what are you waiting for? Subscribe below and come on my adventures with me.

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