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A.S. Writes in the HOUSE!

It's that time of the week to introduce a new author to the stage!! A. S. Writes will be joining us today for some Q&As. Let's see what she has to say!

1)How long have you been writing?

ASW: I love reading and have written short stories, quotes and poems for as long as I can remember. Mostly notes until recently (last year) when I was inspired to come up with a book.

2)What made you want to become a writer?

ASW: I have been told that I tell great stories by friends and family. Stories that were inspired by a lot of interesting people I met during travels and living in multiple countries where they share their lives and experiences. Only recently, due to the pandemic, have given me some time to finally be able to write that made me realize that this may be my true calling. I write stories about life and people from different perspectives to enlighten, share and inspire those that read them and hopefully, they will enjoy the stories.

3)Tell me about your current work-in-progress.

ASW: It is a story of a woman who was once a little girl who dreams of a fairytale with a happily ever after ending, only to wake up to reality and share her journey of living in her reality.

4)What is your writing process like?

ASW: I start by outlining some ideas, do some research and write at least a page a day until it flows.

5)What did you want to be when you grew up?

ASW: It changes with time.. an astronaut, an artist, an architect, a writer.. glad one of it has come true!

6)How many unfinished works do you have right now?

ASW: Two. One in progress and the other is just an outline for now.

7)What advice do you have for other writers?

ASW: Let go, let flow. Write a page a day on something that inspires you and see where it takes you.

8)What inspires your ideas?

ASW: People, the surrounding elements, situations, personal experiences.. anything interesting that’s tickling my mind, belly and touches my heart.

9)What is a typical day in your home life?

ASW: Pretty ordinary really.. for now;

Weekdays: get up, shower, eat, work, eat, family time, bath, write/ read, sleep and repeat.

Weekends: get up, shower, eat, family & friends time, eat, family & friends time, bath, write/ read, sleep and repeat.

Before and hopefully after COVID-19: travelling (for work and leisure), exploring and trying new things, socialising and meeting new people.

10)What’s the most difficult thing about writing (for you)?

ASW: Writer’s block. When that happens, I will take some time off writing and do other things and come back once it starts to flow again.

11)How many hours a day do you spend writing?

ASW: At least an hour. Can be less, hopefully more.

12)Tell us about your current work-in-progress.

ASW: Same as no 3?

13)If you had to pick just ONE of your books to be put into a hall of fame – which one would it be and why?

ASW: I only have one published for now so I guess that’ll be it until I have others to consider.

14)What’s your favorite ice cream?

ASW: Chocolate ♥️

Anything you would like to say to everyone before we close out our session?

Take care and stay safe everyone ♥️ Xx

Thank you for stopping by to meet A.S. Writes. Be sure to check out her links and give her a follow!

Author’s Page:

Book Page:

Book links in Amazon:

Take care!

-Alyssa Lynn

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